Alida Birch is a teacher of shamanism and spiritual healing in Eugene Oregon, offering introductory and advanced trainings in the shamanic journey, shamanic healing, and soul retrieval.. Trained in soul retrieval by Sandra Ingerman and certified in shamanic counseling by Michael Harner, Alida assists her clients to heal the past and to create a life of joy. She received her shamanic initiation in the 1980's, has facilitated thousands of soul retrievals, and has been training others for three decades. Her first book, The Co-Creation Handbook: A Shamanic Guide to Manifesting a Better World & a More Joyful Life, is now available as a paperback, e-book, and audiobook.
Can Soul Retrieval & Shamanic Healing help you?
Do you:
feel you have lost your vitality and joy?
have a difficult time staying present in your body?
feel as if you are outside your body observing it as you would a movie?
feel numb, apathetic, or deadened?
suffer from chronic depression?
have problems with your immune system and have trouble resisting illness?
have a childhood filled with chronic illnesses?
have gaps in your memory of your life after age five?
sense that you may have blackened out significant traumas in your life?
struggle with addictions to, for example, alcohol, drugs, food, sex, gambling, exercise?
find yourself looking to external things to fill up an internal void or emptiness?
have difficulty moving on after a divorce or death of a loved one?
feel you have lost part of yourself or never been the same since...?
finally want to resolve annoying habits and change longstanding unhealthy patterns?
are you looking for a direct connection to the spirit world?
do you desire to bring more balance & wholeness to your life?
do you feel you do not fit in?
do you desire to be a healing force on this planet?
are you experiencing a spiritual calling and wondering where to turn?
do you want to be a healer?
If you answered yes, shamanism may hold the key to your next step of spiritual awakening. I offer trainings for beginning and advanced students.Shamanism is not a tool, it is a way of being in the world.